Prenatal Peek®

Open Your Own 3D 4D Ultrasound Business!

The keepsake ultrasound industry is growing rapidly. Expectant parents are so excited about the opportunity to see their unborn child in the detail of a 3D 4D ultrasound.

Prenatal Peek Trademark

Identify your new or existing 3D/4D ultrasound center with a Prenatal Peek brand trademark. With Prenatal Peek’s trademark, you can be identified as one of the key industry’s leader in your territory. This alone will save you in advertising cost, reputation and create a profitable business at a much faster rate, than those with a new or unknown trade name.  If you really think about trademark branding and its successful stories, “It’s a no Brainer” come aboard a winning team at an affordable cost.

Prenatal Peek keyword name dominance in the elective ultrasound industry, allows us to be the elective 3D/4D ultrasound center of choice. Women identify with certain keywords and images when looking for a website and or imaging center.  The keyword “Prenatal Peek” is the keyword of choice of this industry.  Prenatal Peek is the most sought after name, with many new business owners opening imaging centers; they are finding themselves using one of the identifying keywords used to identify “Prenatal” or “Peek” in their website or service description.  Prenatal Peek is a protected trademark and no one else can use the name except our licensees.

Ideal Business Owner

  • Enthusiastic, High Energy & Goal Oriented
  • Understands the Value of an industry Brand Name
  • Health Care, Sonographer (not a requirement)
  • Business, Management & Marketing advertising skills
  • Financial Stability
  • Customer-driven & Long-term focused

Prenatal Peek Licensing

At an affordable cost you have rights to a wining Trademark, large territory, exclusive rights to; Prenatal Peek has adopted an ethical practice behavior standard and arranged a training program for safety operations for 3D/4D ultrasound imaging to all registered or licensed technicians. As a licensee holder of Prenatal Peek you have option to open up several locations within your specific assigned territory at a very reasonable fee. Prenatal Peek is the first to start a licensing program of this unique business in the United States. Prenatal Peek is a registered trade name that is trademark protected by national trademark law and is a national standard in the United States.

Franchise or Business Opportunity

Most prenatal imaging ultrasound franchises are very expensive costing 40K-75K. Some of these franchises require residual percents of your sales. Not to mention conformity that restricts owner ideas of developing there own marketing and advertising structure and paying for national advertising that is little to no benefit in your local territory. If you decide to open a second or third location, in most instances you must pay the franchise fee for each new location.

Other Business Opportunities

There are other companies that are analogous to the nature of Prenatal Peek business model. However, most of the competition in the elective ultrasound industry fall short in branding a solid name or symbol that is well known to the industry.

Contact Us Today!

A pre-screening application and licensing opportunity form will be sent out via email and an interview will be scheduled.

Mark Licon
Prenatal Peek®
510 N. Diamond Bar Blvd.
Diamond Bar, CA 91765
Ph: 909-861-4890